Thursday, November 15, 2007

movie love realized

I know why they are called the Swell Season, cause they made my heart swell up 23 times its normal size. We saw them last saturday and it was honestly the sweetest show i have ever seen. it was warm and intimate and to quote my friend peggy, it made you love the person you were sitting next to a little bit more. it's movie love... only in real life. i was the only one out of our group who cried at the end of 'once' cause i really wanted them to be together and i cried when i saw them sneak a kiss on stage at the show. it was makes me all swirly just thinking about it.

1 comment:

lost teeth said...

jeff and i were actually going to mail you muddy buddy's once but he didn't think they would hold up so well. he is such a prude.